LCMS Doctrinal Review

About Doctrinal Review

The doctrinal review process exists to assist the President of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in the exercise of this responsibility to determine that every doctrinal statement made in its, its agencies', and its auxiliaries' materials is in accord with Holy Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions. The definition and procedure for the process is established in the LCMS's bylaws (see section 1.9 of the Handbook of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod).

About this Application

Concordia Publishing House created this application to facilitate the Doctrinal Review process. Users of this Site belong to one of three roles:

  1. Editor Editors can create projects, upload documents, and submit them for doctrinal review. Editors are notified when documents have been reviewed; but the Reviewer is kept anonymous.
  2. Coordinator Coordinators invite both Editors and Reviewers. The Coordinator receives submissions and assigns them to Reviewers.
  3. Reviewer Reviewers are notified when a submission has been assigned to them, but the author of the submission is kept anonymous. A Reviewer can accept or decline an assignment. Read more.; Frequently asked Questions


Materials that are submitted for doctrinal review can be given one of four grades:

  1. Pass I find these materials to be in agreement with Holy Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.
  2. Suggestions I find these materials to be in agreement with Holy Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions, but I have given suggestions for improvement.
  3. Revise* I find these materials to be inadequate, misleading, ambiguous and/or lacking in doctrinal clarity. I have given suggestions for improvement. After revision, send the materials back to me for further review.
  4. Fail* I find these materials to be contrary to Holy Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions. They are unsuitable for publication. I have given an explanation for this decision.
*Where changes appear to be necessary the reviewer(s) shall submit a thorough and clearly written documented critique that shall be made available to the author the sponsoring group and the publisher. The documentation provided by the reviewer(s) shall provide a thorough and detailed explanation with all appropriate biblical and confessional references used to support the opinion offered.
LCMS Bylaw 1.9.2 (f); Handbook p. 42


If you have any questions or are experiencing technical difficulties, contact your coordinator.